Re: POSIX locales and Roman Numerals

From: John Cowan (
Date: Tue Jun 29 1999 - 14:53:10 EDT

Sandra O'donnell USG scripsit:

> And the U.S. certainly is known as a place where things never
> change. Where there's no technological progress. Where there is
> no innovation. Where there is no efficiency. Yeah, right.

I think you missed the point, which was "inter-cultural trade and
communication". We in the U.S. just aren't good at that: we haven't
needed to be, since our reaction to other cultures has varied from
marginalization to outright extermination.

> You complain about "illogic" when it is in others' cultural conventions,
> but not in your own.

I complain about them although they *are* my own. Furthermore, this is
unfair to Markus, who has repeatedly proclaimed allegiance to ISO 8601
dates though they are *not* his own.

John Cowan                         
       I am a member of a civilization. --David Brin

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