Ku, we, tone4, and che

From: Kenneth Whistler (kenw@sybase.com)
Date: Fri Jul 02 1999 - 15:00:36 EDT


> > >Now for text, this is a terrible way to do things, since here operations
> > >such as case transformations and sorting are common and A and ALPHA
> > >capitalize and sort differently. And usually they are not intermixed in the
> > >same word.
> >
> > Which is why we need CYRILLIC LETTER KU (Qq) and CYRILLIC LETTER WE (Ww)
> > for Kurdish.
> And why we need Latin tone-letters 3 and 4 (upper- and lower-case) for
> Zhuang4 rather than the Cyrillic letters that happen to look similar.

And pray tell, is your proposed LATIN SMALL LETTER TONE 4 for Zhuang to
be considered the same or different than the Cyrillic che used in the
otherwise Latin (Swadesh) orthography for Nootka and Kwakiutl? And how
would I tell?


> Scott Horne

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