Re: Latin-1's apostrophe, grave accent, acute accent

From: Juliusz Chroboczek (
Date: Tue Aug 03 1999 - 02:58:10 EDT

Dear Markus,

I would like to remind you that you are not only pushing for your
fonts to be included in XFree86; you are actually pushing for the
fonts to be the default `fixed' fonts.

Whatever change you make to codepoints 0 up to 255 will have an effect
not only on Unicode-based applications, but also on all applications
using locale-based charsets when running in an ISO 8859-1 locale. In
these applications, the Unicode characters for quotes will not be
accessible. At all.

There currently is a large number of Unix applications that use
`\verb|'|' and `\verb|'|' as single quotes. As Roozbeh noted, this
includes TeX, but also makeinfo (hardwired) and m4 (customizable).
Furthermore, many users (including me) have their fingers hardwired to
using them when quoting.

I would like to very strongly ask you to revert to a slanted glyph
shape for the apostrophe. Changing this will only become practical
when most Unix applications are Unicode based.



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