On Fri, 6 Aug 1999, Mark Leisher wrote:
> Roozbeh, I have some images I made the ISIRI 2901 information someone sent me,
> but I did not have enough information about where the voice marks are placed.
> If you have more information, that would make me happy :-)
> http://crl.nmsu.edu/~mleisher/2901.html
The table you gave is very wrong. Normal keys are perhaps based on 1988
version of ISIRI 2901 (old version), but many of the shifted characters
you gave are not used in Iran. I am including a 2901 table I created just
now. It may have some typos, because I did have time to check it from
scratch. Also, would you suggest a better way for encoding the table?
There is specially a SHIFT-SPACE key stroke that maps to ZERO WIDTH
NON-JOINER, and I don't know how may I show this on a table. How do other
standards for keyboards tell keyboard layout?
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