>So ap<ZWSP>ple will count as two words, but ap<ZWNBSP>ple
counts as one. Now, we are actually talking about word
selection and arrow keying, but this is related to line
breaking, so looking at UTR#14 Line Breaking Properties (http:
//www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr14/) might be useful.
Your examples make sense, given the assumed behaviour of
ZWNBSP. But where is this behaviour defined? Yes, in terms of
line breaking, it is defined in UTR14. By virtue of the NB in
ZWNBSP, I wouldn't expect lines to break there. But it isn't a
given that word selection should have the same behaviour. I
would expect that
should all have a word count of 2, by virtue of the SP in
*both* ZWSP and ZWNBSP. It seems to me that *the only purpose*
for having ZWNBSP would be to logically separate words that
visually are to be kept together. E.g. (see p. 6-131) I may
want to insert ZWNBSP before and after the "+" in
to ensure that no line break occurs, but I wouldn't want the
whole thing selected if I double click on the "s", nor would I
want to jump over the entire string if I keyed CTRL-RT_ARROW,
and I certainly wouldn't expect my spell checker to recognise
"base+delta" as an English word (either including or ignoring
the ZWNBSPs).
Have I missed something? Is the behaviour of ZWNBSP vis-a-vis
word selection and arrow keying (but not line breaking) defined
somewhere that I've overlooked?
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