Bad implementation of MIME for UTF-8 (or for anything else)?

From: Alain LaBont\i\ (
Date: Wed Aug 18 1999 - 14:46:50 EDT

Interesting info.

>To: Mark Davis <>
>Cc:, Deborah Goldsmith <>
>Subject: Re: UTF-7 not UNIX-safe... ?
> CxDhg=TJi^o[E
>From: François Pinard <>
>Date: 18 Aug 1999 14:32:29 -0400
>Lines: 26
>User-Agent: Gnus/5.070095 (Pterodactyl Gnus v0.95) Emacs/20.4
>X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by
id OAA18655
>François Pinard wrote:
>> Oops, Mark! The quote above uses UTF-8 (as well as the rest of the
>> letter), while the full headers of your email, as received here, were:
>> [...] that is, the contents was announced to be iso-8859-1. You will
>> agree with me that the MIME headers should correctly describe the contents.
>Mark Davis <> écrit:
>> I'm sorry; but I didn't encode it by hand ;-) Netscape communicator
>> seems to have done it. I had switched to UTF-8 to view a particular
>> (other) message, and it must have left it on (but not fixed the header).

>Just chatting! I'm sharing a very small bit of Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen
><>'s Pterodactyl Gnus effort, which is now implementing MIME.
>Lars, with the help of many people, surveyed many known mail user agents,
>to discover how badly they were implementing MIME, on average. He was
>quite surprised, since the MIME standards are quite clear and readable about
>what should be done, and following standards closely does produce good MIME
>implementations. Lars concluded that implementors are just unable, or maybe
>unwilling, to read standards. It seems many implementors invested their
>work on a lot of fluff around a rather void MIME engine, so, missing the
>bare basics. Being intelligent is a more humble act than looking clever :-)
>François Pinard

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