I learnt of your existence when visiting Math Type's web site at
I have been teaching in Nigeria for the past 40 years, have now retired but
still visit Nigeria annually, where among other things I typeset exam papers
at various levels in math, science and Yoruba.
Yoruba, a tonal language, basically uses the Latin alphabet, but has three
extra characters: e,o and s with a diacritical dot underneath. These letters
occur in both upper and lower case. In addition: (i) the currency, the
naira, has the sign N overscribed with = and (ii) grave, flat and acute
accents(used as tone markers) though usually occuring over vowels (and
therefore printable using MS Word), sometimes occur over consonants, such as
m or n, which Word seemingly cannot do. Word can cope with the naira sign
using the EQ function, though this is somewhat cumbersome.
Has anyone produced a scaleable font with or without serifs that will print
Thank you in anticipation of your reply.
Guy Gargiulo
P.S. I use Windows 95 and MS Office Pro 97
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