I received this virus warning mail, is it appropriate to pass such things
on to you?
>Date: 23 Aug 1999 04:57:41 -0000
>To: jmarie@filnet.fr
>From: srivatsa@pspl.com
>Subject: Virus alert from Proland Software - Win32.Kriz
>This mail comes to you from the Virus Emergency Response Team
>at Proland Software.
>Win32.Kriz :
>The Kriz virus infects 32 bit Windows Executable PE EXE files
>under Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows NT.
>The virus carries a payload which triggers on December 25th. On
>triggering it may damage the contents of the BIOS flash memory
>chip, just like the Win32.CIH virus.
>You will find more information on this virus at
>Protector Plus has been updated to detect this virus.
>If you should have any questions or face any virus related
>problems, please write to support@pspl.com We are always happy
>to be of help.
>The Virus Emergency Response Team
>Proland Software.
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