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Med helsing
Herman Ranes
alona@c2i.net skreiv:
> To read your endless mails is impossible to do
> when you are an ordinary employee. Useful
> information drowns in the sheer number of
> postings to this list.
> Concequently, i have to unsubscribe, because the
> endless dicussions of unimportant details and
> personal vendettas that are always going on
> between some of the participants.
> Audun Lona
> Norwegian Council for Technical Terminology
-- Herman Ranes Høgskolen i Sør-Trøndelag Avdeling for teknologi Telefon +47 73559606 Institutt for elektroteknikk Telefaks +47 73559581 <herman@iet.hist.no> N-7004 Trondheim http://www.hist.no/~herman/ NOREG
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