RE: ASCII Consortium

Date: Tue Sep 14 1999 - 11:37:13 EDT


Very nice idea: 7 bit is much simpler that 16, in my mind! I wander why no
one thought that before!

Please find attached a draft proposal for an 8-bit transformation format of
the ASCII standard: ATF-8.

        Marco Cimarosti


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert Brady []
> Sent: 1999 September 14, Tuesday 14.58
> To: Unicode List
> Cc: Unicode List
> Subject: Re: ASCII Consortium
> On Mon, 13 Sep 1999, Administrator wrote:
> > Markus so generously pointed us to:
> >
> >
> >
> > The proprietor of the ASCII Consortium shamelessly appropriated not
> > only that spiffy, sparkly "real nineties" Unicode look & feel in
> > those gorgeous drop-dead colors, but actually purloined some of the
> > exquisite slick Warholesque artwork, and even *gasp!* "liberated"
> > that pillar of quixotic design, the Unicode Copyright notice itself!
> > Have those Brits no shame??? (Check the bottom center of the
> > so-called "ASCII Consortium" web page where it says "Copyright
> Yeah. I am afraid I cannot explain all those Unicode references... I guess
> it
> must have been crackers or something...
> > 1991-1999 Unicode, Inc." Tsk tsk tsk. What a careless counterfeit
> > job! I'm glad this guy's not printing *my* money...) And if you dig
> > into the HTML page source, you'll see blatantly ripped off bits of
> > HTML and even the word "Unicode" still appears right there in the
> > file. But none of the links go anywhere... Sheesh...
> The page was made for the amusement of myself, and for a few other people
> here. I did not expect anyone else to find it, let alone post about it
> here! :) I'd have made more pages except a friend reliably informed me not
> to push the joke too far...
> > I'm sure that will soon be hearing from a mob
> > of big hairy lawyers with bulging briefs... How big and hairy will
> > those lawyers be? As big and hairy as some of the Unicode members, I
> > suppose... Heh heh heh... I wonder if the "solicitors" at the
> > University of Southampton are hairy? They're probably beardless
> > wimps who no doubt drink watery American "beer" in half-pint
> > quantities...
> Half american pint, or half british pint?
> --
> Robert

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