Unicode comes in many encoding forms. Assuming what WordPerfect produces is
Little-Endian UCS-2, Word97 or Word2000 can read it. If it is Big-Endian
UCS-2 or UTF-8, then Word2000 can read it, but not Word97 (without some
contortions). On Windows, Little-Endian UCS-2 is by far the most common type
of Unicode text file.
Chris Pratley
Program Manager
Microsoft Office
-----Original Message-----
From: Magda Danish (Unicode) [mailto:v-magdad@microsoft.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 1999 4:08 PM
To: Unicode List
Subject: "Unicode Text" type in WordPerfect
-----Original Message-----
From: RLGGKG@aol.com [mailto:RLGGKG@aol.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 1999 6:16 PM
To: info@unicode.org
Subject: (no subject)
To whom this may concern:
Question: If I choose "unicode text" as File Type in WordPerfect will the
document (when attached to an email) be able to be read by a Word
I appreciate your getting back to me asap. Thank you so much.
Glenda Garcia
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