At 06:57 -0700 10/4/1999, John Cowan wrote:
>Edward Cherlin scripsit:
> > >Assume you have a hardcopy terminal with a print wheel.
> >
> > [snip]
> >
> > ROTFLOL. A Unicode protocol on a daisywheel terminal? You can't even
> > upgrade to a dot-matrix printer?
>As the old Xerox Character Code Standard manual said: "The key to
>large character sets on printwheels is *creative improvisation*."
Well, that's certainly how the APL overstrikes in U+2336-237A came
about, although it was on a golfball terminal rather than a
Later APL daisywheels on microspacing printers had a heavily
reinforced period petal which could be used for drawing crude graphs
a point at a time.
>(Or something like that).
>John Cowan
> I am a member of a civilization. --David Brin
Long before I encountered APL I was taught to use overstrikes in a
high school typing class. Things like
c [BS]/ for cent
and fake accented letters.
-- Edward Cherlin "It isn't what you don't know that hurts you, it's what you know that ain't so."--Mark Twain, or else some other prominent 19th century humorist and wit
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