Re: RE: [nelocsig] Re: Generic Unicode font handling

From: Frank da Cruz (
Date: Wed Nov 17 1999 - 14:50:33 EST

> Any comments on Rich Text vs. Plain Text?
Yes -- rich text is marked up in some specific markup language.
If my client doesn't know the markup language, there's nothing
rich about it; it's just a lot of gubbish.

The actual purpose of email for most end users is to communicate
some words to another human being. Unfortunately, this tends to
be at odds with the purpose intended by the makers of email
software, which is to force the receivers of what should be
ordinary text messages to go out and buy "rich text" decoders.
And then do it again when the next version comes out.

And most unfortunately of all, most end-users today don't even
know that they are sending mail in a proprietary or nonportable

- Frank

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