> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Cowan [mailto:jcowan@reutershealth.com]
> Sent: Friday, December 10, 1999 11:50 AM
> "Alain LaBonté " wrote:
> > unlike English "ough" which is pronounced I don't know in
> how many ways
> > (ut, up, o, etc., 11 ways, was I told)
> bough (rhymes with now)
> dough (rhymes with go)
> enough (rhymes with cuff)
> cough (rhymes with off)
> bought (rhymes with taut)
> through (rhymes with sue)
> hough (rhymes with lock, probably unique)
> hiccough (rhymes with up, probably unique, also spelled
> "hiccup")
> thorough (schwa vowel or short o, depending on dialect)
But in our accounting of this slough of oughy despair let us not slough over
"slough", the doughtiest of oughs!
There, that makes 11, with one dual. (key: 1st slough = slew/slu, or slao
rimes with cow; 2nd slough = sluff; doughty = doubt ;)
> My favorite is "oignon", which should obviously be pronounced
> /wanjo~/,
> and I understand that some people do say that.
How should it be pronounced? Surely not with an oink. I always thought
(going purely by eye) that /wanyo~/ was the correct pronunciation.
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