Unicode 3.0 press statements

From: mark.davis@us.ibm.com
Date: Wed Jan 19 2000 - 14:41:17 EST

We will be issuing a press release for Unicode 3.0, and I am working with a
press agent now. One thing that she was discussing is that it is very
useful to include numbers in the statements; it catches the journalist's
attentions. What she would like to see are statements like:

Covers 95% of all world languages
Covers 99% of all languages used in commerce

I thought it would be useful to query this group for sample statements
along these lines, statements that would both:

a) catch people's attention
b) be true!

For example, "scripts" don't mean anything to the average Joe; "languages"
or "countries" do. Yet our focus is in the Consortium is on scripts: I
don't know what percent of the language coverage we have (some of you may
have a better notion). On the other hand, I have no doubt that in terms of
the percentage of text currently represented in computers, that Unicode
covers over 99% of the usage. So, sometimes the statements have to be
worded appropriately.

Mark Davis, IBM Center for Java Technology, Cupertino
(408) 777-5850 [fax: 5891], mark.davis@us.ibm.com, president@unicode.org

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