Hello, FOTWers & UniCode friends!
As originally stated, the CENT SIGN is supposed to be a raised yet reduced
<c> with a vertically straight cross stroke (which may be either solid or
broken, depending on the particular font used). When the computer/printer
people started coding their characters, they—unfortunately—took the L-C form
of an Americanist Tradition phonetic symbol (a L-C <c> resting on the
baseline having a right slash struck upon it) for their version of a cent
sign, which is—now—a regrettable, detrimental, grave error on their parts!
The same sad scenario is to be said about the FLORIN SIGN used in Dutch
money. That sign's made up of a slanted integral symbol (similar to a L-C
phonetic esh) having a straight across dash run through its body. The
WS_WIN/WGL4 access assignment of <ALT>[0131] is—by the way—totally correct;
however, the (original) WGL4/UniCode folks who're there from the beginning
placed the sign to the position of the IAI LEFT-TAILED F (a
different/distinct character from the Dutch florin)! There're several more
agonistic instances of this kind currently lurking around the UniCode set
that also need to be rectified!!
The correct symbols with their corrected UniCode positions are as follows
(only the characters currently discussed):
162 U00A2 Cent Sign (straight vertical stroke involved)
401 U0191 H-C IAI F Left-Tailed
402 U0192 L-C IAI f Left-Tailed
542 U201D H-C Americanist C-Slashed (right slash used therein)
543 U201E L-C Americanist c-Slashed (same right slash here, too)
8369 U20B1 Dutch Florin Currency Sign (a dashed slanted integral)
I hope you distribute this message to UniCode INC. & the other companies.
Thank You!
Robert Lloyd Wheelock 63 Wilson ST Augusta, ME 04330-9473 USA
1(207)623-5176 RWhizz12@aol.com
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