At 07:03 AM 02/09/2000 -0800, Alain wrote:
>À 15:11 2000-02-07 -0800, Erik van der Poel a écrit:
>>Have you tried 0x80 with the label "windows-1252" in the various
>>browsers? I suspect that it will be OK. Of course, it will only work if
>>the user has fonts with the euro, but that's pretty obvious.
>[Alain] Again with email software in French. I use the latest Eudora Pro
>4.2 French version (a very fine package with advanced parallel features
>for simultaneously handling multiple email accounts input, output and
>editing) and when I receive a MIME-tagged header indicating Windows-1252
>(it happens everyday, usually from Outlook as a lot of my correspondents
>use this very fine package too), it does not get decoded. I then say to my
>correspondents to use 8-bit encoding even in headers (turn off QP option),
>but that does not solve the Mac-PC-Unix-EBCDIC communication problem for
>my language.
There are MacEudora Translation Tables that will accept messages that are
flagged as Windows-1252 and do correct conversion to MacRoman as opposed to
the default conversion that assumes it is in the Mac Version of ISO-8859-1
(ie: Which translate the incoming x80-x9F codepoints to the corresponding
Mac Characters based on the Windows Encoding not the one that MacEudora
uses for ISO-8859-1). I can point you at them if you want (putting the
table into your Eudora Stuff folder automatically handles incoming messages
and allows creation of Windows destined messages containing the extra 32
characters [to the extent that they exist on both platforms]).
>Alain LaBonté
>Example of horror stories:
>>To: =?Windows-1252?Q?Alain_LaBont=E9?= <>
>>Subject: =?Windows-1252?Q?Papier_=E0_lettre?=
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