(was: How to use UTF-16 in HTML pages)

From: Otto Stolz (
Date: Mon Feb 21 2000 - 04:56:51 EST

Dear list subscriber, dear Piotr,

I have made the mistake to publicly comment on Piotr's WWW page
when I should have done so privately. I apologize, and suggest
this should be continued privately, if at all.

Nevertheless, I must set straight the facts, since Piotr says pub-
licly that I had "invented" something about his page which I really

I had pointed out HTML syntax errors in that page, to wich Piotr had
> My page is in html v. 1.0 :-)

In spite of that smiley I had replied:
> It is not. It contains elements of HTML 3.2 (which demands ISO 8859-1
> encoding), such as background image, and font selection.

Am 2000-02-19 um 20:57 h MEZ hat Piotr Trzcionkowski geschrieben:
> 2. Don't invent, I don't use font selection on my pages

This is the HTML source line I was referring to:
  <strong><hr><a href="">
  <font color="#0000FF"><em><big>AlphaNet</big></em></font>
  </a> - Operator Internetu</strong>:
  darmowe skrzynki pocztowe, tanie serwisy WWW</p>
Note the Font tag in the second line quoted (I have laid out the original
line in four, for better readability).

Best wishes,
   Otto Stolz

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