(Ooops, sorry: I used one digit too much in a very delicate position. This
is the correct version of my previous message)
Keld Jørn Simonsen wrote, responding to me:
>>I understood that Unicode had extended beyond the
>>0x0..0xFFFF range. The fact that no code point
>>is assigned yet in the 0x10000..0x10FFFF range
>>does not mean that these code points don't exist.
> Yes, but my last reading was that surrogates are characters.
> Maybe it was changed with 3.0
Uhm... Probably they are: the meaning of "character" is every day more
But this brings another question: what is the role of surrogates if I am
using 32-bit units?
Consider this *UCS-4* fragment:
... U-00D800 U-00DC00 ...
What kind of animal would that be!? An (absurd) sequence of two characters
or an alternative spelling for U-010000?
Ciao. Marco
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