UTF-7 (was: RE: U+xxxx, U-xxxxxx, and the basics)
From: Kenneth Whistler (kenw@sybase.com)
Date: Wed Mar 08 2000 - 15:41:37 EST
- Next message: Erik van der Poel: "Re: U+xxxx, U-xxxxxx, and the basics"
- Previous message: Jungshik Shin: "character (set) encoding (scheme) (was ..RE: U+xxxx, U-xxxxxx, and the basics)"
- Next in thread: Adrian Havill: "Re: UTF-7 (was: RE: U+xxxx, U-xxxxxx, and the basics)"
- Maybe reply: Adrian Havill: "Re: UTF-7 (was: RE: U+xxxx, U-xxxxxx, and the basics)"
- Maybe reply: G. Adam Stanislav: "Re: UTF-7 (was: RE: U+xxxx, U-xxxxxx, and the basics)"
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Jeff Moles asked:
> My questions are:
> 1) Does UTF-7 still have a place in the world?
Yes, unfortunately. It is implemented in some email software, so that
UTF-7 encoded data occasionally appears in email.
> 2) Is UTF-7 a suitable means of encoding and storing strings on disk (or
> other nonvolatile memory) for a system that typically would have one (or a
> small number) of languages active at any given time?
> 3) Why would I choose to use UTF-8 or UTF-16 instead?
You should choose UTF-8 (over UTF-7) if you need a byte-oriented
encoding form. UTF-8 is widely used and is a sanctioned form of
the standard.
The question of UTF-8 versus UTF-16 depends on the details of
your implementation.
But *please* do not create more instances of UTF-7 data. UTF-7 was a
stillborn solution for a problem that has largely gone away.
- Next message: Erik van der Poel: "Re: U+xxxx, U-xxxxxx, and the basics"
- Previous message: Jungshik Shin: "character (set) encoding (scheme) (was ..RE: U+xxxx, U-xxxxxx, and the basics)"
- Next in thread: Adrian Havill: "Re: UTF-7 (was: RE: U+xxxx, U-xxxxxx, and the basics)"
- Maybe reply: Adrian Havill: "Re: UTF-7 (was: RE: U+xxxx, U-xxxxxx, and the basics)"
- Maybe reply: G. Adam Stanislav: "Re: UTF-7 (was: RE: U+xxxx, U-xxxxxx, and the basics)"
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