Glen Perkins wrote:
> but for a
> UTF-16 (or upper Latin-1, just as often these days) to UTF-8 and back,
UTF-8 to Latin-1 is simple enough to keep in your head:
00 to 7F: no change
80 to BF: the UTF-8 is C2 followed by xx
C0 to FF: the UTF-8 is C3 followed by xx minus 40
> John, how are you at Palm apps? ;-)
--Schlingt dreifach einen Kreis vom dies! || John Cowan <> Schliesst euer Aug vor heiliger Schau, || Denn er genoss vom Honig-Tau, || Und trank die Milch vom Paradies. -- Coleridge (tr. Politzer)
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