Have you looked at the Case Mapping TR on the www.unicode.org site?
"Magda Danish (Unicode)" wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Oliver Gatchell [mailto:OliverG@wholetree.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2000 11:06 AM
> To: Unicode
> Subject:
> Mmes/Mssrs,
> I am in search of a list of languages for which case sensitivity becomes an
> issue whenever searches or sorts are performed on those languages.
> Most languages following into this category, as I understand, are either
> European or Middle Eastern.
> Can you provide this list or point me to a document, resource or person who
> has this information?
> Best regards,
> Oliver Gatchell
> WholeTree.com
> email: oliverg@wholetree.com
> phone: 719-955-3400 x 3409
> fax: 719-955-0282
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