Hi Chris,
Thanks for pointing out that I've been using the phrase "native code"
incorrectly. I was actually referring to the ANSI code pages (e.g. Big 5,
Shift JIS, KSC) for particular regions. My problem was that I did not want
my HTML files to be in Unicode format. I want to edit files with text
editors such as notepad or UltraEdit, and I want to save these files in .txt
format without losing the reference to the appropriate ANSI code page.
Before I figured out how to change the default system locale, I was able to
cut and paste from Outlook Express to Notepad without any difficulties. Yet,
after saving the data in text format, the emulated encoding was apparently
lost the next time I retrieved it. Changing to a regionally appropriate font
did not remedy the situation.
I guess this is one part of the bg picture that I don't really understand.
If I have a file called "test.txt" that contains emulated encoding, how is
this file associated with a particular ANSI code page? Is it determined
solely by the character set that is being used by the application? Or is it
determined by the default system locale? Why would saving as text from
Notepad cause my files to (apparently) lose their emulated encoding?
In your message, you wrote:
> In any case, if your goal is to *paste* ANSI (non-Unicode) text into your
> applications, and they really do only handle ANSI plain text and not even
> HTML, then you need to change the system locale as you mentioned.
Does this mean that I definitely need to reboot each time I switch to a
different system locale?
Thanks again for your help. I realize that these are basic questions and
apologize to regular readers of this list for retreading familiar ground.
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