RE: Microsoft Code Page Tables

From: Paul Dempsey (
Date: Thu Apr 06 2000 - 15:02:28 EDT

It's a little bit indirect, but:

This file lists the Unicode code points for the characters in codepage 874.
Look up the Unicode code point in the Unicode book or on the web site to see
a sample glyph for the character.

It's not clear from the file whether #UNDEFINED means there isn't a
character at the point, or that there isn't a mapping to Unicode for that

I looked in MSDN under the Kano book, but it doesn't include codepage 874.

--- Paul
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tom Emerson []
> I've been unable to find the tables showing the characters in each of
> Microsoft's Code Pages. Specifically I would like to see the
> table for CP874
> (which is supposed to be the same as TIS 620).

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