Makes good wallpaper for the spare room too. Another use is wrapping our
spare back-bacon for freezing. Months later, you can enjoy an intellectual
description of the Bi-Di algorithm while frying up breakfast...
-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Constable []
Sent: May 2, 2000 8:55 AM
To: Unicode List
Subject: Re: Canadians in the forefront
>By the way, my apologies for any offense to Canadians on the
list -- my remarks were not meant to be taken seriously.
No offence taken, eh. The suggestions made thus far are near
the truth. Mention has been made to syllabics and to sitting in
front of fires. Everyone knows that we Canadians are mostly
Eskimos (politically incorrect term, by the way) and that trees
don't grow on tundra ($35 for a 1000+ page book isn't a bad
deal, and it lasts nearly all day in one of those
high-efficiency stoves).
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