> Well, "Gre" does not appear between "Deu" and "Esp" on any European
> language, but "Gre" does appear between "Ger" and "Spa" so I am assuming
> English names were being used here?
> ----------
> From: Robert A. Rosenberg[SMTP:bob.rosenberg@digitscorp.com]
> Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2000 1:27 PM
> To: Unicode List
> Cc: Unicode List
> Subject: RE: Linguistic precedence [was: (TC304.2313) AND/OR:
> At 07:53 AM 06/15/2000 -0800, Michael Kaplan (Trigeminal Inc.) wrote:
> >Eventually someone will have a language name that does not fit....
> >or a language like German will inist on sorting sooner, under Deutsch
> rather
> >than under German, etc. (which I personally think makes more sense than
> >making a locale take someone's translation of their language name, FWIW).
> Since it was stated that Greek was displayed between German and Spanish,
> I;d assume that German was Deutsch since Spanish is Espanol (not sure if
> that "n" is "n" or "ñ" as well as if my spelling is correct).
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