Re: [unicode] Re: (TC304.2313) AND/OR: antediluvian views

From: Asmus Freytag (
Date: Mon Jun 26 2000 - 22:34:41 EDT

At 02:49 AM 6/25/00 -0800, Michael Everson wrote:
>Ar 17:04 -0800 2000-06-24, scríobh Curtis Clark:
> >At 11:39 AM 00.06.24 -0800, Asmus Freytag wrote:
> >>since we are thoroughly off-track now...
>In the Soviet Union...

The local newspaper claims, (w/o further specifics, I might add) that
"some African ports" use a pictogram of a woman with a load on her head
as a sign for 'THIS SIDE UP'.

Fact or Legend?


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