Re: RE: Subject lines in UTF-8 mssgs? [was:

From: Jaap Pranger (
Date: Thu Jul 13 2000 - 16:15:14 EDT

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>Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2000 07:06:10 -0800 (GMT-0800)
>Subject: =?utf-8?B?UkU6IFN1YmplY3QgbGluZXMgaW4gVVRGLTggbXNzZ3M/IFt3YXM6?=
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At 17:06 +0200 2000.07.13, wrote:
>Jaap Pranger wrote:
>> Chris Wendt already explained the high degree of control one
>> gets in OE,
>> so MS Outlook 2000 must be another software. ( Thanks Chris! )
>Of course, or they wouldn't have had a different name :-)

My confusion, I could as well have associated Orient and Orient Express.

>> ...... I'm sure your UTF-8 posts ended up among the
>> most interesting ones, concatenated and saved as WP files.
>Are you confusing WP files with the Recycle Bin? ;-)

No, my problem is I'm serious and joking at the same time, that's what
confuses IJou ;-) Want a proof?

# Because the corresponding uppercase is not a character, it is
# two: "IJ". In fact, "ÿ" is a ligature, optionally used in Dutch to represent
# the sequence "ij". E.g. "ijs" (= ice, ice-cream) is also spelled "ÿs", and both
# are capitalized as "IJs" (not a typo: "Ijs" would be a spelling error).

BTW, not sure what exactly you implied by 'spelled' here, but "ÿ" (y-dieresis)
in Dutch is only correct in handwriting, never in print (at least I don't
remember to ever have seen it), and even then the shape mostly differs
slightly from handwritten plain "y".

>I forced the encoding to UTF-8 (it is supposed to be the default in my
>setting, but most of my messages arrive as charset="windows-1252"), and I am
>using some Chinese characters that are certainly not in my system's default
>code page:

Well, I will never see what you sent and you'll never see what I see now,
because your Chinese is displayed in a hacked Latin font (i-macron-tilde etc.)
But for me it definitely "looks like Chinese", that's the Dutch way of saying
"it looks like Greek to me", or "double Dutch".

WARNING: Don't try to find out what exactly happened to your UTF-8 since
you sent it because mijn, sorrie, my Eudora Tables have been slightly
hacked as well.

>Ciao, Jaap.
>_ Marco

mzzl Marco,



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