I am learning to program in Java and wonder if someone could kindly point me
in the right direction as to how I can get unicode character codes into my
programs please. I have written various applets on non-unicode topics and
got them to work successfully. I am aware that Java uses unicode for all of
its characters and strings but thus far I have not been able to get any
character that cannot be typed on an ordinary keyboard into the software.
Here is what I have so far for the present program, which works.
import java.awt.*;
public class TryUnicode extends java.applet.Applet
String textstring;
public void init()
textstring="The quick brown fox";
public void paint(Graphics screen)
screen.drawString("" + textstring,50,200);
public void update(Graphics screen)
Suppose that I wish to get a lowercase c circumflex character printed onto
the screen. As I understand it, this is character (decimal) 265 and
(hexadecimal) 109. From something I saw a long time ago, before I started
learning Java, I think that I need to put something like \u0109 into the
program somewhere, though whether it is \u0109 or "\u0109" in quotation
marks or whatever I do not know. Is that correct or is there some other
method please?
William Overington
19 July 2000
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