What programming language are you using for the WideCharToMultiByte call?
And what code page are you specifying (a multibyte string does require the
right code page to send to!).
The function will support way more than just the ASCII characters, but only
if you give it an approproate code page.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Magda Danish (Unicode)" <v-magdad@microsoft.com>
To: "Unicode List" <unicode@unicode.org>
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2000 10:02 AM
Subject: FW: Unicode konversion
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tobias Schafhitzel [mailto:Tobias.Schafhitzel@isa-tools.de]
> Sent: Friday, July 28, 2000 11:11 AM
> To: Magda Danish (Unicode)
> Subject: RE: Unicode konversion
> Dear Magda Danish,
> now there's a new problem. I have an UTF-16 Widecharacter string and want
> convert it to Multibyte string. I used the function WideCharToMultibyte.
> the
> functions converts only the normal ascii characters...even not the
> characters
> like greek or someth. else. I'm working with Windows NT 4.0 . Can you tell
> me
> which paramters i must use for it ?
> When I want to convert a UTF-16 Character greater than 127 the
> WideCharToMultibyte funct. returns 0.
> Can you help me ?
> Best Regards,
> Tobias Schafhitzel
> Tobias Schafhitzel <tobias.schafhitzel@isa-tools.de>
> ISA Tools GmbH, Kupferstrasse 36, D-70565 Stuttgart
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