Actually, I erred. It's Switzerland that prefers this formula (see the
ITS and DES locales on Windows or in Java--although Java uses three digits
for grouping and it should be four).
Addison P. Phillips Principal Consultant
Inter-Locale LLC
Los Gatos, CA, USA
+1 408.210.3569 (mobile) +1 408.904.4762 (fax)
Globalization Engineering & Consulting Services
On Wed, 2 Aug 2000 wrote:
> >
> > I'm curious about the number spacing, though - did you invent that
> > yourself, or does it have a context? I've never seen nuumbers written like
> > that before.
> >
> Italian uses this format. (Look at the ITA locale on Windows, for
> example).
> It's a good example of why not to make assumptions about number formats in
> your code.
> Addison
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