Re: Organizing your CD collection

Date: Thu Aug 10 2000 - 11:25:41 EDT

Could we "please* use subjects that will tell us what topic of interest the
message is *really* about?

On 08/10/2000 08:44:13 AM 11digitboy wrote:

>How do you sort text with some in Roman and some
>in non-Roman alphabets? Currently, I'm just romanizing
>everything but I don't know if that is that good.
>Should I just kanize Japanese?
>I would love a system that just goes by characters,
>and I would much prefer it if the Han digits collated
>in numerical order.
>So far, I have 3 alphabets: Latin, Greek, and Japanese.
>It is probably bad to kanize digits, because they
>would sort 1, 9, 5, and so on, or some other mixed-up
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