Announcement : Independent Font Technology Forum, Leipzig

From: John Hudson (
Date: Mon Aug 14 2000 - 15:11:35 EDT


Leipzig 2000 : Focus on OpenType Tools & Support

Sponsored and organised by Tiro Typeworks, in association with ATypI

Thursday September 21, 10:00 to 16:00
Konsum Building, ATypI Conference Site, Leipzig

* The Independent Font Technology Forum is an optional pre-conference event
associated with ATypI 2000. Forum participation is only open to registered
ATypI attendees.

The Independent Font Technology Forum provides an opportunity for focused
presentations on, and discussion of, major technology issues and
developments affecting the type industry. The event in Leipzig will focus
on OpenType font technology, with particular emphasis on tools for making
OT fonts and understanding system and application support issues. The
programme will include demonstrations of current OpenType Layout feature
tools from Microsoft and Adobe, and the first public demonstration of an OT
enabled version of FontLab. There will be plenty of opportunity to ask
questions of tool and technology developers, and the day will conclude with
a panel discussion on OT support issues and their impact on font development.

A full Forum programme will be available later in August.

More information about the ATypI Conference, including registration fees and
forms can be found on the Association's website after
Tuesday, August 15.


About ATypI and its conferences

ATypI is the only independent world-wide organisation dedicated to type and
typography. ATypI's membership is truly international and numbers around
400 of the best-known and most talented people in the world of type and
typography. ATypI conferences provide a place where the hottest type and
information about type is available and the best-known and brightest
luminaries of the type world gather. At ATypI conferences, international
friendships are created and renewed, all opinions can be aired, and for all
the answers you find, you'll find more questions to ask.

ATypI (Association Typographique Internationale)
10 Ridgeway Road, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 6PH, UK
t +44 (0) 1737 780150
f +44 (0) 1737 780160


Tiro Typeworks
Vancouver, BC

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