Re: Taiwanese: unicode of o with dot right above

From: Doug Ewell (
Date: Tue Aug 15 2000 - 01:16:53 EDT

Kenneth Whistler <> wrote

> New summary for the impatient:
> A new character, COMBINING DOT ABOVE RIGHT, should *NOT* be encoded.
> It was already proposed two years ago, and has been considered and
> turned down in the context of the issues raised by Kiatgak.

Thanks for setting me straight on this, Ken. I was not aware of the
history of this proposal, and in particular I did not know that a
solution had already been made available to the same individuals.

I am glad to see that the "O with northeast dot" is considered just a
glyph variant of "O with north dot" (U+022E and U+022F) and therefore
can be encoded with normal Unicode techniques. That is much better
than hearing "oh, you have to use the Such-and-So font technology by
MumbleCorp" or "just use my favorite markup language."

-Doug Ewell
 Fullerton, California

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