The paragraph reads:
The most _current major version of the Unicode
standard_ contains 49,194 distinct coded characters.
These characters cover the principal written
languages of the Americas, Europe, the Middle East,
Africa, India, Asia, and the Pacific Basin. Certain
technical reports are approved and part of 3.0. For a
list, see the _Technical Reports_ page. Note that
Version 3.0 is amended by an update version,
_Unicode 3.0.1_.
so the note is at the bottom ("_" indicates a link).
I am not criticizing your message -- if you missed it, certainly a lot of
other people will! We will have to rewrite the paragraph for clarity.
Otto Stolz wrote:
> Hello,
> I had written:
> > I have re-read section "Controlling Ligatures", in TUC 3.0, p. 318.
> Am 2000-09-15 um 14:40 UCT hat Mark Davis geschrieben:
> > I'd like to remind everyone to look at the latest version of the Unicode
> > Standard, especially when looking at fine points. To cite Unicode 3.0.1
> > (
> Thank you for this pointer.
> Actually, I had looked for this information before I wrote my previous
> note, but could not find it; hence, I resorted to TUS 3.0.
> The reason for my failure to locate 3.01 on the Unocode WWW site is an
> improper organisation of the latter: I followed this trail:
> - <>: About the Unicode/Standard
> - <>:
> Version 3.0
> The most current major version of the Unicode standard...
> Here ended my search. It did not occurr to me that I would find an even
> more current version of the Unicode standard under the "Versions of the
> Unicode Standard" link.
> So please make sure that the wording on your "Unicode Standard" page is
> not misleading, and that there is a conspicuous link to the current
> standard, even if it is not a major version.
> Thank you, and best wishes,
> Otto Stolz
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