Santosh.S.N. wrote about Unicode and web sites,
When Unicode double-byte replaces older single-byte
encoding, everything is doubled; transfer speed, disk
storage space, etc. (One way to minimize this is to
use UTF-8 if the bulk of the material is basic Latin.)
The advantage to going Unicode here is that Unicode
is the standard, meaning that the visitor to the web
page has a much better chance of reading what the
author intended and that search engines should be
able to index the site and direct potential traffic there.
When Unicode double-byte replaces other double-byte
encoding schemes... it's an even trade on storage and
When Unicode replaces graphics files, there are some
obvious advantages. In-line gifs can't be indexed by
search engines, for one thing. Text transfers and
stores much better than graphics, too. Pages tend
to load quicker.
Here are some examples from the web:
1) A site which uses Unicode for languages
other than Hindi
2) A site which uses Unicode for Armenian
3) A site which uses local font for Armenian
4) A site which uses graphics for Armenian
Best regards,
James Kass.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Santosh.S.N" <>
To: "Unicode List" <>
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2000 9:35 PM
Subject: Unicode on a website
> Hi friends,
> I would like to have some information from all of you regarding the
> utility of unicode in a website.
> That is to say that I would like to know if any of you have a website that
> uses unicode,how its performance is and other such details.
> To be more precise I would specifically like to know the performance of any
> website which is working on unicode.(i.e. How unicode enhances or degrades
> the performance of a website depending on the data retrieval speed etc.)
> I would be very grateful to you people if you could please get back to me on
> this one.
> Santosh.S.N
> MTS,Priceline
> HCL Technologies
> Ph-(0118)-4516317/...324 extn.1062 (O)
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