FW: query

From: Magda Danish (Unicode) (v-magdad@microsoft.com)
Date: Wed Oct 18 2000 - 17:23:40 EDT

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniels, Joshua [mailto:joshua.daniels@pscnet.com]
Sent: Friday, October 13, 2000 2:41 PM
To: 'info@unicode.org'
Subject: query

Dear Sir:

I'm the international business development manager for PSC and have been
tasked with researching the best method for localizing our portable data
collector products. These products are DOS (Datalite) based portable
computers with integrated lasers that read barcodes. They are basically
mini-PCs with proprietary BIOS, but are fully PC compatible. They do not,
however, run Windows because of memory and display limitations.

We are trying to figure out the best method of integrating Chinese
double-byte font support into our product. We understand that this can be
done by developing a proprietary driver and then purchasing the appropriate
font set. However, we'd like to know other options. I was hoping you could
tell me whether Unicode might work, and if not what other possibilities
might exist.


Joshua Daniels
International Business Development Manager
PSC Inc.


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