[unicode] Re: Listar request results

From: Gaute B Strokkenes (gs234@cam.ac.uk)
Date: Thu Mar 22 2001 - 09:33:00 EST

On Thu, 22 Mar 2001, listar@unicode.org wrote:
> Your message has been rejected because it appears to quote
> too extensively from other posts.
> Please review the text of your message and try to reduce the
> volume of quotations from other messages. It is usually not
> necessary to quote very extensively from messages that previously
> appeared on the mail list -- our subscribers have seen those
> messages. Short, pertinent quotes will focus your discussion
> and help reduce the overall volume of list traffic. Traffic
> reduction will help subscribers who pay for disk storage or
> data transmission, or who are on slower connections.
> Please help us stamp out excessive quote pollution!
> Cheery regards from your,
> -- Sarasvati

Firstly, this message is spectacularly unhelpful since it fails to
give any indication of what specific message produced this result. It
does not give any indication of how to get in touch with the human
administrator of the list either.

Secondly, the inference--that I had failed to snip irrelevant parts of
the mail that I was replying to--is false. I did include about 50
lines of grep output, where the first few characters of each line were
the same. I believe that this is what might have prompted the
incorrect decision by the list software.

I propose that this test is removed unless it can be fixed. At the
very least, there should be a way to override the decision made by the
list software when that decision is faulty.

Gaute Strokkenes                        http://www.srcf.ucam.org/~gs234/

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