[unicode] Re: I don't get it

From: Marco Cimarosti (marco.cimarosti@essetre.it)
Date: Thu Mar 22 2001 - 11:39:04 EST

Michael Everson wrote:
> Re: cimaChrt.htm:
> What exactly is this supposed to do? Or rather, how is one supposed
> to make use of it?

See the attached screen shot, showing what I see on my system.

I suspect that I used some non-portable construct that does not work under
Mac. Did any Mac user succeed running it?

Moreover, sorry, I didn't explain very well how to use it: the three files
should be copied in the same folder, then you should open cimaChrt.htm in
your browser.

The browser must support frames, tables, Javascript and --last but not
least-- Unicode.

cimaChrt.htm defines three frames: one of them is hidden and contains
cimaJscr.htm, the other two are empty.

cimaJscr.htm doesn't have any content itself, but it writes content in the
two empty frames.

Basically, you should see two 16x16 tables side by side and some other

The left table contains hex numbers 00 to FF; number 00 is highlighted. The
right table contains the 256 Unicode characters in block 00 (U+0000 to
U+00FF), one of which is highlighted.

If you click on one of the 256 numbers on the left table, you change the
current block, so the left table displays a different set of 256 Unicode
characters (e.g. U+0400 to U+04FF).

The left frame also contains a panel giving the name of the current block,
and 17 buttons to change the plane, so that you can also display characters

The right frame also contains a panel with various information about the
highlighted character in the left table: the character itself, its code, its
encoding in the 3 standard UTF's, its HTML numerical entity and, if you are
online, the glyph image from the Unicode site and a link to the Unihan
database (only for ideographs).

Hoping this helps.
_ Marco

-- Binary/unsupported file stripped by Listar --
-- Type: image/gif
-- File: cimaChrt.gif

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