[unicode] Re: Spam being sent to the list?

From: Marion Gunn (mgunn@egt.ie)
Date: Thu Mar 22 2001 - 08:32:46 EST

Arsa Michael (michka) Kaplan

> One of the BEST things a list should do of course is not let spam in, but I
> definitely just got a piece of mail through the list that was spam (a mail
> about "being a bigger man", to put it politely!).

Strange thing about the new culture, the irreconcilable wishe for men to
become, ahem, ever bigger, and women ever smaller.:-)

> I would hope that this is being dealt with appropriately so that non members
> of the list will not be allowed post to it?

That is easily done under LISTSERV (equally easily, I would guess, under

> The mail was listed as being from lk89lk99@yahoo.com if that helps track
> down how it got through.

It is easy to set up Eudora (or similar) filters to protect your professional
address against e-mail from 'free' addresses (that is, from people who have no
professional address).

> michka

Marion Gunn
Everson Gunn Teoranta

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