[unicode] Re: Moving mail lists

From: Sean O Seaghdha (Sean@urania.apana.org.au)
Date: Fri Mar 23 2001 - 07:19:19 EST

Ar 23 Mar 2001, ag 1:44 scríobh Sarasvati
fán ábhar "Re: Moving mail lists":

> At this moment, there are 691 addresses subscribed to
> the Unicode mail list. At least 24 of those entities
> are points of further fan-out to local lists elsewhere.
> If you can gather a list of at least 346 current
> subscribers who respond affirmatively to the question
> "should Sarasvati remove the [unicode] tag in the
> subject header?", then let it be considered that
> popular opinion is in your favor, and the tag will be
> removed.

Notwithstanding that

(a) I still think this is a stupid, unnecessary and pernicious "innovation"
and as such should not be considered because of it's inconvenience to those
who don't require it


(b) no such act of democracy was required to *institute* this unnecessary

I'll take the above private response as a request for everyone opposed to or
in favour of this piece of nonsense to e-mail Sarasvati <root@unicode.org>
with your opinion. I trust Sarasvati will keep us apprised of the tally, the
proportion of non-voters, etc., etc. and is prepared to arrange for the
neccessary hand-counts and legal actions that will ensue.

 S e á n Ó S é a g h d h a sean@urania.apana.org.au

There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about,
and that is not being talked about. Oscar Wilde.

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