Re: The Unicode Standard, Version 3.1

From: Michael \(michka\) Kaplan (
Date: Sat Mar 31 2001 - 10:55:58 EST

From: "James Kass" <>

> As far as keyboards/IME, if anyone has a notion of what a Deseret
> or Gothic keyboard should look like (and a need for one), please
> let me know.

Um, the need for one is a way to actually input data? How else would a
typical user be able to type such data? If one takes the argument that input
methods are not needed, then one can claim that Hindi is supported on
Windows 95, since Word 2000 will display it if you install the fonts.
Simple! <g>

Generally speaking, I prefer the broader definition of support for a
specific language, which must include fonts, input methods, collation, etc.


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