Word and Version 3.1 characters

From: David J. Perry (perryd@telocity.com)
Date: Sat Mar 31 2001 - 18:31:59 EST

I, too, have been playing with the new Plane 1 characters of Unicode
3.1. I can use WordPad, per the instructions people have given here, and
things work as advertised.

When I try it in Word 2000 under Win2000, however, I find the following:

a. If I use the numeric keypad to enter the two surrogate values, I just
get two blank rectangles.
b. I can enter a Unicode scalar value in a dialog box (Edit/Find, for
example), press Alt-x, and copy the resulting character into my
document. This appears to give the proper character when it is pasted, but
there is extra white space next to the character in Word. I can select the
white space separately from the character, but when I delete the space, the
character goes too! I'm guessing that the white space represents one half
of a surrogate pair, and Word is trying to keep the two surrogates together
. . . but doesn't quite display them properly.

Can anybody shed light on this behavior? I've been using James Kass's Code
2001 font for testing the Old Italic block.


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