Re: UTF8 vs AL32UTF8

From: Shigemichi Yazawa (
Date: Mon Jun 11 2001 - 02:42:14 EDT

At Fri, 08 Jun 2001 15:56:08 -0700,
Jianping Yang <> wrote:
> > Looking at your documentation you call UTF-8s UTF8 and standard UTF-8
> > AL31UTF8. To me this is very misleading.
> >
> We clearly documented what character set definition for UTF8 and AL32UTF8 in our
> manual. If you look at them you should easy map UTF8 to UTF-8S and AL32UTF8 to
> UTF-8.

This is totally unacceptable from user's stand point. You are
effectively saying that you can call an encoding any name if you
describe it in your manual.

Suppose Oracle decided to call Shift_JIS encoding EUCJP. A confused
customer calls Oracle tech support complaining their EUC-JP data are
not stored correctly. A tech support guy says, "Sir, our EUCJP is not
EUC-JP. It's Shift_JIS actually. It's clearly documented in our
manual." And do you expect the customer says, "Doh! Silly me. I should
have read the manual. Thank you for your help."

UTF-8S is not UTF-8. Stop calling it UTF8.

Shigemichi Yazawa

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