Re: Shavian (was: Re: UTF-17)

From: David Starner (
Date: Wed Jul 04 2001 - 23:54:28 EDT

> I was expressing doubt that the majority of the community are:
> 1) truly unhappy with their current fonts, and
> 2) eagerly awaiting encoding so that they can use supplementary character
> fonts, and
> 3) will upgrade software as needed to accomplish #2

If you check out the Shavian group on, there are messages
discussing how to use Unicode for Shavian, links to places with Unicode
(Conscript) encoded Shavian fonts, and actual messages encoded in Unicode (I
believe using the Conscript encoding - I fail to have any Shavian fonts
installed to check). Some of the websites linked to include several
documents in Shavian in Unicode (Conscript) with notes about how they were
going to have to be updated when Shavian actually gets into Unicode. Of all
the communities I've seen discussing Unicodization, this one seems the most
eager and ready.

As for conversions - we're not talking a large amount of data in databases
and what not. Most of what I saw was UTF-8 text files, and it take all of 15
minutes for me (not exactly a programming god) to write a program to convert
that from Conscript encoding to Unicode, and most of that deciding whether
to use the full force of a mighty Unicode library, or go at the byte values
with tr.

David Starner -

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