Re: Shavian

From: David Starner (
Date: Fri Jul 06 2001 - 02:15:59 EDT

<> writes:
> Shavian and Deseret are examples of
> scripts that needn't have been encoded now, and aren't very widely used,
> aren't _NEEDED_ by anyone at all, but were encoded because a while back
> someone just happened to have done the work, and the proposals have just
> sitting around gathering dust.

Shavian, at least, has a body of users that are ready and willing to use
Unicode. I have never seen or heard of actual use of Unicode for Cherokee
(and I have done some browsing of the appropriate sites and a little talking
to users); after sticking Shavian in a web search early today, I've seen
several examples of Unicode being used for Shavian (Conscript encoding), and
several comments about being prepared to switch to a real Unicode encoding.

> What's "bad" is that work seems to get done on fictional scripts while

Really? There's only one fictional script encoded, and one on the fast track
to encoding. Both those are simple non-shaping, non-combining LTR scripts
with a very well defined closed set of characters. It probably only took an
afternoon to write up either of them. I think that more effort has been
wasted debating fictional scripts on than it will take
to get them encoded.

> There are various
> reasons for that, the most common being that we can't get enough
> about them. The most common reason for not having enough information is
> we can't shlep enough experts to us, nor shlep enough of us to the
> to complete any encoding proposals... a matter of time and funds.

How does encoding fictional scripts affect this one way or another?

David Starner -

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