Re: Re: Erratum in Unicode book

From: Michael \(michka\) Kaplan (
Date: Sun Jul 08 2001 - 12:47:52 EDT

From: "てんどうりゅうじ" <>

> I mean. You take the radical of 水 (water) and add 7 strokes a certain way
to get 酒 (sake).

> It was not there, alas.

Actually, you are mistaken; U+9152 does indeed represent the character you
wanted, else this (UTF-8 encoded!) message would not be able to represent
the characters, now would they? Thus is 8E F0 from shift-JIS represented in

Perhaps a rule needs to be imposed about the amount of sake that should be
consumed before submitting a character proposal? Or at the very least the
sake should be shared with those who are asked to hear the proposal? :-)


Michael Kaplan
Trigeminal Software, Inc.

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