Re: Re: Erratum in Unicode book

From: Michael \(michka\) Kaplan (
Date: Sun Jul 08 2001 - 14:43:16 EDT

From: "James Kass" <>

> Perhaps he (てんどうりゅうじ) was lamenting the character's absence
> in the Han Radical Index section under radical # 85.
> If all the characters made from the water radical were listed
> under that radical in the Han Radical Index (and so forth),
> where would the sport be in looking up CJK code points?
> The Han Radical Index is particulary useful when the significant
> radical is known, kind of like having to know the correct
> spelling of an English word before it can be looked up in an
> English dictionary.

I suspect you are correct -- but since Unicode does not promise to support
such a thing (complete decomposability into radical and stroke of all
unified CJK ideographs), it might be a stretch to consider it an erratum?

Eskimoes have over 200 words for snow, right? I suppose one could place a
priority on things such as sake if one wished to (there was once a time I
would have wanted something similar for other forms of alcohol, so I can
relate). :-)


Michael Kaplan
Trigeminal Software, Inc.

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