CJK non-users looking up Hanzi

From: B (11@onna.com)
Date: Mon Jul 09 2001 - 02:07:02 EDT

If you know even a few Hanzi, you probably know at least a couple of radicals, like person and water.

If you really know nothing about Hanzi, you could use a little chart like what is already there, that shows the variant forms of radicals.



Riddle of the week:
What song is 35971040100?
That is not a catalog number.
Hint: the chorus is 3597104042

>An ideal index for the casual or non-CJK user might be quite
>different in approach. Perhaps the first component drawn in
>any character would be a good basis for indexing rather than
>the significant radical. But, as you've pointed out, not all
>components are immediately recognizable as pertaining to a
>particular radical, especially to the casual user.
>Since the Han Radical Index in the Unicode book functions the
>same as a radical index in a Chinese dictionary, I balked at the
>idea of having any character appearing under a non-significant
>radical, at first. But after more thought, I don't suppose any
>laws would be violated if characters appeared in more than one
>location. It sure would make look-ups easier. Meanwhile, I'll
>take your advice and keep an eye on Wenlin.
>Best regards,
>James Kass.

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