Re: Re: Erratum in Unicode book

From: Thomas Chan (
Date: Mon Jul 09 2001 - 10:55:15 EDT

On Sun, 8 Jul 2001, James Kass wrote:

> てんどう瘢雹りゅう瘢雹じ is now looking for beer in Kanji:
> >
> > What's the kanji for beer?
> How about U+5564?

Not by itself--its a loan of "beer", but it needs to occur as
part of pijiu \u5564\u9152 '"pi" wine' (in Cantonese, bejau '"be" wine')
with jiu \u9152 'wine' suffixed to it.

In Cantonese, U+5564 is also used as part of belei \u5564\u68a8 '"be"
pear', where it is a loan of "pear", with lei \u68a8 'pear' suffixed to
it. Also, it can be used as part of bibi \u5564\u5564 'baby'.

Thomas Chan

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